Signed a Lease!

We don’t have a house quite yet, but we signed a lease today!

The owners move out in the next couple weeks, and Lord willing we get to move in about mid-August. It’s a great size for us and a great location! We will be 7 minutes from the church!

To celebrate, we went out for Mexican food.

And wow… after 10 years of making our own Mexican food in Malawi, this was so good!

Smiles all around!

6 comments on “Signed a Lease!

  1. Glenna says:

    Looks like a cozy place!

  2. June says:

    Well done. Glad you are finding your feet. God’s blessings…

  3. Lorraine Floreen says:

    You should indeed celebrate. After being ‘homeless’ for so long, we’re celebrating with you!

  4. Andrew says:


  5. Shelbi Cullwn says:

    Is this the house you showed me?

  6. Beth Osborne says:

    What a GREAT way to celebrate!!!! YUMMMMMMM!!!!

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