10 Years

It was 10 years ago, December 2002, that International Bible Fellowship Church had its first church service.  It was started by 4 families – 2 Baptists and 2 Presbyterians – and spent many years without a full-time pastor.  Then, finally, in 2007, Brian Biedebach took the position as pastor of IBF and moved to Malawi with his family.  In 2009, we joined the Biedebachs in ministry as Matt became the associate pastor.  Over the years, IBF has grown into a truly international fellowship of about 120 people who meet multiple times a week to study God’s Word and worship Him as a body of believers.

IBF elders 2012

AND… just over a week ago, we established a board of elders and deacons!  We are so blessed to be under the leadership of these men!  God has faithfully provided for His church.  Please pray for these men as they serve and lead the church.  Like the church body, they come from all over the world, so pray for unity for them as they discuss and teach God’s Word.  We know that the Word of God transcends culture, and we also know that it is only God’s Word and the work of His Spirit in our lives that can unite people from many different cultures so that we can be known as His body, His family.  Praise the Lord for His work at IBF!

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