Smoothies, popsicles, and fans are really important in our house right now, because it’s hot!
The cold season petered out the first week of October, and this week the heat hit full force, making up for its late arrival. It’s been 90-95 degrees (F) the last few days! With no air conditioning, we close up the house about 8am to keep the cooler air inside, which means it’s 82 degrees in the house at 3pm. That’s not bad – it’s actually enjoyable with a fan and a popsicle!
But we know what’s coming next… in about a month it will start to rain! One thing we watch is our neighbor’s roof. Weird? Maybe. But it’s the most obvious sign of the season. Here it is now:
Nice and rusty looking. We’ll post another picture in a month of so once the rain washes it clean!