If you get our newsletter, you know that the Lord has provided a fantastic house for us. Yay! The former tenants moved out last weekend, and we spent all this week working on remodeling and repairs. Here’s what the week has held for us…
Several of the walls needed to have the plaster patched, and how do you like that green wall color? The whole house was this color, inside and out.
Lots of paint, lots of walls to paint!
The glass inset in one of the kitchen cupboards was broken, so we took a hammer and chisel to the rest of the glass insets and broke them all out. We’ll replace the glass, but it was kind of fun breaking it all out!
How to buy home improvement supplies in Malawi – go on a scavenger hunt. We laughed remembering how in the States you can just go to Lowe’s and get everything all in one place. Yah, not really here. Washers in one store, large key rings that double as curtain rings in another store, 1 meter of galvanized screen in the next store…
The fluorescent lights in the kitchen always got messed up by the power fluctuations, so Matt replaced them with these great hanging lights!
He also took the fluorescent lights out of the hallway and put in small, inset halogen lights – so nice!
And the painting starts: good-bye green (and no, the new paint isn’t as pink as it looks here!)
The kitchen is done, but the green is still peeking out of the hallway…
The entrance hallway is done…
Did I mention that our house is a series of hallways with a couple rooms attached? =) It’s looking more and more like home to us, and we’re so excited to finish up the rest of the projects this coming week, and hopefully move in next weekend!