Splashing in the Puddles!

The dry season here in Malawi runs roughly from the end of April to the end of November. However we do live in the tropics, so every once in a while we get a day or two of rain in July or August. Like yesterday and today!

I would have expected about 15 minutes of light rain, but it rained fairly steadily for over an hour today! Enough that it was rushing down the gutters and pipes!

The girls begged to put on rain coats and go splash in the puddles of our driveway, so I sent them off to have fun. Matt had a little fun too and set up an impromptu photo shoot. Here's what I got:

And here's what he got:

Clearly he's a better photographer than me, and I happily enjoy the benefits of that all the time! ☺️

It was getting cold outside (69 degrees F when I took these pics), so I headed back to the warm kitchen to finish dinner and make some hot chocolate for my family.

We never know what surprises await us each day, so we enjoy them as they come – rain or shine!

3 comments on “Splashing in the Puddles!

  1. photojaq says:

    I love the rain in Malawi. Such a show! I remember we had a real downpour the time we all were helping you get ready for a going-away meal for Mirjam and Cees. I’ve never seen it rain so hard! Luckily we were still able to go out and eat on your back porch.

  2. April says:

    I love all of your adventures. Your family is precious

  3. Amanda Simwaka says:

    Wow, that’s an amazing picture Matt took! And I still think yours is cute too! We were just in Arizona and they are in monsoon season so it was fun to experience a downpour while we were there. Thanks for starting up your blog again!

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