Simba and the Wheelbarrow

Everyone keeps asking about our great guard dog, Simba.  By the time we left Malawi at the end of May, he was already a very large dog, weighing over 80 pounds, though only 7 months old.  We can’t wait to see how big he’ll be when we get back in September!

Simba 7 monthsThis picture was taken the first of May.  We’d been measuring Simba the first of every month to keep track of how much he’d grown.  You can see the marks on the wall.  The lowest mark is how tall he was to the shoulder on the day we brought him home, November 30, 2009.  He has easily tripled his height in the 5 months depicted on this post, making him over 2 foot tall at the shoulder.  And that was the beginning of May.

But we do have footage of what a great guard dog Simba is.  He’s part Rhodesian Ridgeback, and Ridgebacks were bred to be lion hunters.  We figure if a lion ever comes to attack us in a wheelbarrow, we’ll be safe…

A Day in the Life Of

A couple weeks ago, we decided to record what had happened in one day of our lives here in Malawi.  Before you read this, you should know that none of these things are uncommon, but they don’t always happen all on one day.  This day started a couple weeks that all blurred together in a happy, busy chaos, but now, 2 weeks later, we finally have a break (and electricity, and internet) to get this posted.  =)  Welcome to our lives…

Thursday March 4th – A Day in the Life of Matt and Rachel

2am – Rachel wakes up – pregnancy insomnia.  She drinks chocolate milk, checks her email and writes back to her Mom and sister.

3:15 – Rachel back to bed, asleep by 3:45am.

7am – Rise and shine!  Feels like it’s going to be a busy day, so deserves a little something extra – breakfast: eggs, toast, and OJ.

8:30 – Showered, laundry started, both ready to go to the church office for the morning

9am – Been to the office, back home to pick up the things we forgot – Rachel’s computer and counseling forms

9:20 – Matt drops Rachel off at the office, again, and heads to the bank to make a deposit, which almost doesn’t happen because the teller doesn’t understand the word deposit.  Deposit made, Matt back to the office by 10am.

10:35 – Rachel spends an hour counseling a girl from our church; Matt works on his sermon for this coming Sunday

11:35 – Counseling forms for Rachel, while Matt tries to get in touch with our mechanic to see if they’ve finished working on our car, which they’ve had since January 21st.  Mechanic says the car is finally fixed, and he’ll call right back to let us know what it costs and when we can pick it up

11:45 – Rachel gets a call saying that the bed we had loaned out to a family is on its way back to our house now.   The workers have it loaded in a truck and will wait for us at the main gate to African Bible College.

11:55 – Waiting at the main gate, no truck…  Matt goes off to find a Malawian friend and check our mail.

12:00 – Truck shows up, Matt stays at ABC to talk with the friend, and Rachel leads the way to the house.

12:01 – Truck runs out of gas less than 1/4 a kilometer from ABC.

12:03 – Rachel takes one of the workers to the house so that once they get gas he can come back and find the house.  But our house is hard for even Rachel to find, as in the last 3 hours road construction crews have bulldozed our front yard and dumped dozens of loads of dirt on the (tarred) road as part of “improving the road.”

Road Work in Front of Our House

12:30 – Rachel has gone back to pick up Matt who lets her know that he volunteered for us to go to the Malawian friend’s house this afternoon, as he and his wife are in urgent need of marriage counseling.  Pending items for the afternoon: 1) car to be picked up from the mechanic, time unknown – mechanic will call; 2) bed delivery, time unknown – they’ll just show up at our gate; 3) marriage counseling in a nearby village, time unknown – friend will call.

12:45 – Lunch: leftover chicken pot pie and salad from the night before.

1:15 – Prepping for afternoon marriage counseling appointment, now scheduled for 4pm; Matt makes a call and sets up a time on Sunday with another couple to do PRE-marital counseling

2pm – Rachel calls the lady who was coordinating the bed delivery, pretty sure that the workers are getting paid by the hour, and probably taking a nap on our bed on the side of the road as they wait for gas to magically appear.

2:15 – Matt gets a call from another friend in a different village who has malaria and needs a ride to the clinic for medicine.  Matt drives out to get him, passing the truck (with our bed in it) at the gas station.

2:45 – The bed arrives, but none of the workers want to get out of the truck because they’re scared of our 4 month old puppy who is already clearly a large dog.  Brave souls bring the bed inside, and said puppy ran away with only one of their shoes.  Simba graciously gave back the shoe, like it was his high and royal duty to guard it for the man.

Rachel and Simba

3pm – Matt returns from taking our friend with malaria to the clinic, we change our clothes and get ready to leave for the other village and marriage counseling.

3:15 – Mechanic calls.  We should pick our car up in half an hour, once they’ve had time to wash it.  No thanks, we’ll be by first thing in the morning.

3:30 – Off to the village

4pm – Arrive at our friends’ home in the village, knowing they are in need of urgent marriage counseling.  The house is surrounded by women, children, and cooking pots and utensils.  Are the women here to take the wife’s side?  What have we gotten into?!?

4:15 – Finally understand that the women are all from the couple’s church and are cooking for an upcoming conference.  We begin one of the more difficult counseling situations either of us have ever been in.  The issues themselves are not difficult – the language is.  The husband speaks very good English, but the wife does not.  The wife doesn’t want another person involved in the situation, so is satisfied with having her husband translate for her.

4:30 – Counseling continues; the women outside start to sing, right by the window.

5pm – Counseling continues; it starts to rain.  Conversation is drowned out as the rain quickly turns to a downpour and hammers on the single sheet of tin that is the roof and ceiling of their home.  We struggle to shout through the ruckus.  The women outside crowd on the porch, and send all the kids inside to be out of the rain.  We now have an audience of 8-10 small children sitting in the hallway watching with wide eyes the two white people who have come to this home.

6pm – The rain has let up a bit, and we have finished our time with this couple.  God’s grace is a marvel to us, as we have seen issues resolved and plans made to continue to walk together in love and grace.  We pray with them and for them as we leave.

Leaving the Village in the Rain

6:10 – Got a message from our night guard that his mom took the umbrella and he’s reluctant to walk 45 minutes in the rain to our house.  We wouldn’t want to do that either, so, since we’re still out, and our guard’s village is on the way home, we swing by the pick him up.  That would be village #3 for the day.

6:30 – Home, but the electricity’s out, so we start up the generator and get dinner in the microwave.

6:45 – Dinner: leftover chicken pot pie and salad, again.  Yes, the same thing we had for lunch, but we’re tired and this is easy, even if this is the 3rd time in 24 hours that we’ve eaten exactly the same meal.

7:20 – Power is back on, so the generator is off.  Matt decides to teach the guard how to turn on the generator so that he can do it next time, and the starter pull cord breaks off in Matt’s hand.  Glad that didn’t happen at 6:30!

7:40 – Matt starts a big theological discussion with Rachel about how to describe the trinity to someone who is not a believer.  Rachel tries to listen, but can only think about the hours she was awake in the middle of the night, and being exhausted at 16 weeks pregnant.  The trinity is too much for her right now.

8:30 – Go to bed before anything else happens.  It can all happen tomorrow…


A few things have changed around here, so it’s time for some updates…

Simba 4 MonthsOur cute little puppy of a couple months ago is quickly becoming a large dog.  Weighing in at around 45 pounds, Simba is now 4 months old, and this picture is a pretty accurate idea of what he spends his time doing – lying down and eating.  And if he’s not eating his food, he’ll gladly eat rocks, snails, entire maize stalks… anything that fits in his mouth!

Rachel 14 WeeksRachel is growing too, as she enters the second trimester.  Baby Flo is starting to make an appearance!

Baby Flo 14 WeeksAt 14 weeks, Baby Flo is doing great!  Matt got to come and see the ultrasound this time, and we marveled at God’s creative design as we watched Baby Flo lift up a hand to show us all 5 perfectly formed fingers – so tiny, but already there and moving around!

Green Rainy SeasonAnother thing that’s growing is grass!  The rainy season was very late this year, but it’s finally here.  We’ve had rain every day for a week now, and it’s so beautifully green!  It feels like we brought the green home with us from vacation!

Burned Voltage GuardsWhat’s growing here?  Our box of burned out electrical items!  Voltage spikes, brown outs, and all other kinds of electrical anomalies are a part of daily life here, so we try to protect our more important items (fridge, freezer, computers, etc) with voltage guards.  The guards lying on the ground are both dead due to a spike a couple weeks ago.  The one on the left has a little black hole one it where it burned completely through – but it protected Rachel’s computer!  The one on the right protected Matt’s computer, all his back-up drives, the printer, and the internet router, but when it burned up, it got so hot it burned the two holes in our wall!  On to the next set of voltage guards, and more lessons in Malawian electricity!

1 Peter WordleThe Ladies’ Bible Study on 1 Peter has been fabulous!  They’re 16 weeks into the study, and just starting chapter 4.  All the ladies have learned so much from this small book and God has grown in each of them a greater appreciation for studying His Word carefully, thoroughly, and in context.  The graphic above was generated by, highlighting the key words for the book of 1 Peter.

Monitor LizardAnd finally, though this has nothing to do with growth, a little glimpse into our adventurous lives here in Malawi – a Nile monitor lizard that we chased out of our kitchen last week.  He’s much smaller than other monitor lizards we’ve seen, but he made up for his size with aggression and snake-like movement!  We’re hoping this guy does NOT grow and come back for a visit!

Where Does Your Food Come From?

Eating dinner the other night, I noticed something curious about our salsa. It made me smile as I was reminded what a very diverse city this is, and how most of our food is imported.

Salsa, Pickles, and Honey. No, we didn’t eat them all together, but they were all purchased right here in Lilongwe. Let’s take a look at them…

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First up, Old El Paso Salsa. This guy is far from home! Malawi is a long way from El Paso, but please note, he’s not from El Paso. He’s really from Australia.

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The pickles also came quite a distance. I don’t think I’ve ever had pickles from China, and I’m not so sure that I’m excited about cucumbers pickled in soy sauce. We are extreme pickle fans though, so we’ll certainly give them a try.

Mzuzu honey is about as local as you can get. We have wondered though – is there any caffeine in honey that comes from coffee plants? And, if Matt eats this honey for long enough, will he develop a taste for coffee? =)

Bon Appetit!

Treasure Hunting

We haven’t even been here for 12 hours, and we’ve already had our first adventure! Not that that surprises me, but this was a fun one, thanks to our friend Lukas.

Lukas had come to Malawi just a couple weeks ago with a short-term missions group from Grace Community Church. When he got back, he came to our going-away party, and gave Matt an envelope that he said we couldn’t open until we got to Malawi. Well, we were so curious, that it was about the first thing we did when we got here.

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The note told us to look under the night stand in our room…

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and what we found was a treasure map! So we followed the map to behind the water tower…

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to where “X” marked the spot, and Matt started digging!

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Not too far down, we found an old paint bucket, and inside – treasure! Lukas had left for us his extra kwacha (currency), and told us to go out to dinner. Thanks Lukas! That was awesome!

Got Support?

For those of you who haven’t heard last week’s amazing news about how God provided for us to leave for Malawi in less than three weeks from now, you really should take a moment to read our most recent newsletter!

got support
Got support? Yes! God has provided provisional support so that we can make the move to Malawi, and we’ve spent the last week marveling at a faithful God who takes care of us beyond all we can hope or imagine! We know that we couldn’t have orchestrated events to bring about what God has done in the last few weeks! No matter how hard we worked there is NO WAY we could have cleared all our paperwork and our container in Malawi in 36 hours. And then there was our support. We’d been raising support for 6 months; God provided what we needed in just one minute. We’re definitely keeping track of what God’s done, and we’ll look back on these days as testimony of God’s powerful goodness!

Well, Well, Well…

Today we took a little field trip to the Wellnessmart, a doctor’s office for people who aren’t sick. Ironically enough, I am sick. I have been fighting a cold since last Friday and have no voice today, so I felt like I was defiling the Wellnessmart! But we weren’t there for the cold – we went to talk with them about vaccines and medicines and living in Africa.

These guys are great! They run a little store front in Thousand Oaks, and their happy hour special is a flu shot. In addition to that, they do lots of education – from the basics about keeping yourself well, to what to know when you travel to any number of countries, to how to best utilize your health insurance and the services offered in the medical field. It’s the first logical approach to health care that I think I’ve ever seen and, more importantly, understood! If you’re interested, I hyperlinked the picture below so that you can check them out.

Picture 2

The other thing they do – and the reason we went to see them – is vaccinations. There are a few nasty bugs and viruses in Malawi that we aren’t really interested in getting to know or experience, and we were due for a few updates on the basics. All in all, we have a line up of about 4-5 shots waiting for each of us as soon as I can shake this cold. While that won’t protect us from every nasty bug or virus, we feel it’s a good, reasonable step in stewarding our health. Now if I could just find a good, reasonable step to not being afraid of needles…

The Great Floreen Roadtrips! 2.8 – the end!

Our last days on the road took us from Colorado Springs through Tucson before we headed for the Los Angeles area. We didn’t have any churches to see along the way, only Matt’s grandmother, so we got to spend quite a bit of time with her in Tucson, and really got a chance to see the true southwest!

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This would be a random dirt road that we took to get around some major road construction that had closed off a significant portion of the road we were supposed to be on. The official detour didn’t really go the direction we needed to go, so we off-roaded a bit in the middle of nowhere! Matt’s pretty good with directions and maps though, and we soon ended up back on a paved road. =)

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While in Tucson, Grandma Marty took us to the Desert Museum. It’s kind of like a southwest zoo, spread out over a large amount of land that has been beautifully landscaped and labeled. It was really amazing, and we’d highly recommend it!

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A close of up a saguaro, which will always remind me of Snoopy.

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Seriously, this is an amazing park, and you can get right up next to the animals. We spent almost 5 hours at the Desert Museum, and really enjoyed that opportunity to spend time with Grandma Marty!

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After the museum, Grandma Marty took us to the mission – San Xavier del Bac.

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And then we took a little walk from Grandma Marty’s house to see the sunset. It started out beautiful…

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And quickly became beautifully surreal!

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Thanks Grandma Marty for a great full day in Tucson! It was so good to spend time with you, and we’re so thankful for your hospitality and fun spirit!

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Back on the road the next morning, we had about a 7 hour drive to get back to Santa Clarita. We started out by driving through part of the Saguaro National Park. We were just fascinated by these tall cacti!

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We laughed really hard when we passed this sign, and went back to take a picture. “There is no outlet – this is Wong Way!”

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Ah, finally! Los Angeles shows up on the road signs!

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What would you say if your salsa packet asked to drive?

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This is my dear friend and wonderful husband. Thank you, Matt, for making deputation and support-raising so much fun! I love your cheerful heart and your enjoyment of sharing with so many people what the Lord is doing in our lives and in the ministry in Malawi. I’m so very thankful that the Lord has put us together on this journey. You have encouraged my faith when I’ve been discouraged, challenged me to grow in my love for the Lord, and you’ve brought a smile to my face every day. You’re my best friend, and I can’t wait to move to Malawi with you!

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And we’re back. 6:15pm on Thursday, February 26th, just in time for Bible study. =)

I haven’t been keeping track of mileage for the last few posts, so this might come as somewhat of a shock. Our mileage total for this, the second Great Floreen Roadtrip, came in at exactly 4,432.3 miles. That makes me want to take a nice, long walk! Overall, both trips combined, we traveled 7,343.5 miles.

But it was worth it, every mile of it. We saw so many people and were able to make some good connections with individuals and churches. Our prayer now is that those whose hearts the Lord has burdened to partner with us in ministry would act on the Lord’s prompting and join us in this walk of faith. Please pray with us!

The Great Floreen Roadtrips! 2.7

It’s time for an oil change for our car, but we don’t really have time to stop for one! We’ll add some more oil, a little antifreeze, and press on. At the point at which we took these pictures, we were at about 3,000 miles for this trip alone. We’re thankful for the safety that the Lord has given us in this great little car!

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We got an inch or so of snow in northern Denver, so I took a picture before the sun melted it all. We were kind of hoping to get snowed in… just for a morning! =)

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Our good friend, Josh Cook, recently moved to the Denver area, so we jumped at an opportunity to spend an evening with him. We talked C.S. Lewis, faith and sanctification, and our need for grace. It was wonderfully refreshing to be stretched in our thinking, and to walk away smiling at what God is doing in Josh’s life. And if you want to know how Josh and Matt have become such good friends, just check out Josh’s website.

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Tim and Ruth Matlick are friends of mine from high school, and we’ve stayed in touch since then primarily by me being a wayward traveler and them being great hosts. =) It had been about 6 years since I was last through Denver, so we had a bit of catching up to do, and it was great to get to know their girls! Thanks Matlicks for a wonderfully relaxing weekend, and for letting us use your dining room as our office!

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We headed back down to Colorado Springs to Austin Bluffs Evangelical Free Church on Sunday, and as we turned off the interstate, Matt commented: “Couldn’t they have put this intersection in a pretty location or something?!” Wow… nothing like Pike’s Peak welcoming you to Colorado Springs!

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We were able to share with the Austin Bluffs church about the ministry in Malawi, and were so blessed by that great congregation! Their love for the Lord is so evident and we had some great conversations with people there. I just had to take a picture of their missionary wall through, as I found our good friends the VanderBijls on the wall! I already knew this was a great church, but I love them all the more because they love the VanderBijls! =)

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After church we went out to lunch with a couple friends. Todd Faris had to leave right after lunch, as Noelle was home with sick kids, but we got to hang out with Amy Haddock for a couple hours through the afternoon. Amy has a hilarious sense of humor that Matt and I have loved for years, and we think it’s just the best thing in the world that she’s in marketing now. She’s thoughtful, kind, and always good for a word pun. It was so great to hang out with you, Amy! Thanks for a great time to catch up and hang out – you make our hearts happy!

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That evening we got opportunity to spend the night at the home of Mitch and Angela Hopewell. Mitch and I studied abroad in Israel together while in college, but hadn’t kept in contact over the years. Matt and I quickly discovered in Mitch and Angela two very comfortable and fun friends. There is a sense of peace and calm both in their home and their demeanor, and we left the next morning so refreshed. Thanks Mitch and Angela for blessing us with your hospitality and peace!

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From Colorado Springs, we traveled south and began to see more snow as we followed the Rockies.

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There we are with the beautiful Colorado Rockies behind us!

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All this traveling has been a little hard on the map. We’re big fans of maps anyway, so it was already a bit used, but it’s definitely not surviving past this trip!

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Further south we found a large meadow covered in snow. Matt tromped off through the woods to get some pictures, so I’m sure those will show up on his blog… if our lives ever slow down enough to get to things like that!

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Further south, another stop for a bit of photography.

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Ok, one more mountain picture!

And from there, we traveled on to the true southwest – Tucson, AZ – coming up next!

The Great Floreen Roadtrips! 2.6

We are seeing so many people on these trips! Here’s a quick look at three days on the road – from central Kansas, and up the eastern side of Colorado…

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My very dear friend, Christi Kingsley! We were able to stay with the Kingsleys for a couple nights, and I had such a great time catching up with Christi. Her story is a beautiful testimony of God’s grace, peace, and joy. Thanks for a great stay in Andover, Christi and Robert!

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As Matt had never been through Kansas, I took him on a little tour of the western side of the state. If you’ve ever been there, you know there’s not much to see! But we did stop in Greensburg to see a town recovering from a massive tornado. The whole town was flattened and is in process of rebuilding. It’s pretty amazing actually!

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And then to Dodge City! We took a couple hours to enjoy a bit of Wyatt Earp, cattle drives, and the good old wild west!

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And there we are, yep, the only people at Boot Hill. The three guys in period costume who worked there were REALLY excited to see us. =)

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He did fire his lens a few times, but don’t tell anyone!

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Further west in Kansas, we stopped to see the Santa Fe trail tracks, and found one of my favorite Kansas sights: the windmill.

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Wow, they don’t make them like this anymore. And, you didn’t pay until AFTER you had filled up! Good old small town Kansas!

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In Pueblo West, we stopped to spend the night with some friends of mine from high school, Jim and Linda Beauchamp. Their daughter, Michelle, came over the next morning to hang out, and brought her kids – Kimia, Karis, Alana, and Malachi. It was so fun to catch up with everyone and meet all the kids! Such good friends and great memories are a hugh blessing! Thanks Beauchamps and Brandfords for taking care of us and sharing your lives with us – we had a great time!

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From Pueblo we headed north through Colorado Springs toward Denver. We couldn’t pass up an opportunity to stop by the Garden of the Gods though! These fascinating formations have been a favorite of mine for years, and it was fun to share it with Matt.

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On our way out of Colorado Springs, we stopped for dinner at the home of Andrew and Abby Shearer. Andrew and Matt have been good friends for many years, so we got to spend a bit of time catching up. Matt’s last trip to Colorado was helping Andrew and Abby move, so it was fun to see them settled in this time, and to hear about the life and experiences the Lord has given them in the past couple years. Thanks Andrew and Abby for letting us drop by – it was so fun to hang out!

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In the Denver area, we spent a night with Dave and Lorraine Bosworth. I had worked with Dave at The Master’s College until a couple years ago when they moved to Colorado. They have such a passion and heart for missions that we were so encouraged during our time with them! Thanks so much, Bosworths, for your encouragement, hospitality, and joy!

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Lorraine had recommended Mount Falcon Park Open Space, so we ran up the mountain and took in some breath-taking views. Thanks for the recommendation, Lorraine! =)

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And then for dinner that night, we got a chance to spend some time with Paul and Ruth Ortiz and their children. Ruth had been my admissions counselor in college… now who stays in touch with their admissions counselor?!? =) If that’s what you’re thinking, then you haven’t met Ruth! The Ortizes are also headed to the missions field in the next few months – to the Philippines – so we got a chance to talk prayer cards, support raising, international moves, and the faithfulness of God. Thanks Ortizes for a great evening of encouragement and mutual enjoyment of what God is doing!

Coming up next – snow, more snow, and the beginning of the homeward trek!